Alice | Newborn | Lifestyle | Denver Colorado | 2016

     Alice was born into the perfect life. She has the most beautiful mama, loving father BUT most importantly....she has not one but TWO amazing knights in shining armor. Her big brothers Henry and Connor..her life long protectors. I did Alice's newborn session in her home which was so much fun. I got to play with dinosaurs with Connor and Henry and then snuggle Alice and be all girlie. Best of both worlds.
     It's no secret newborn sessions are hard work. They take a lot of time, they require patience, energy, creativity...and more patience. But I love them. And sweet Alice made my job a dream come true. 
     I love watching families grow and evolve and expand. I love watching them hug each other and love each other and just be. I love my job. Welcome to the world sweet Alice.  

Olivia is One! | 2016 | Denver Colorado

     I love one year old sessions...they are such a fun challenge. One is that magical time when babies turn into toddlers..they start walking, babbling, throwing themselves on the ground when they don't get what they want, and overall do whatever they want. I have done it twice so I have lived the one year old. And honestly its my FAVORITE age. You watch your your baby turn into this tiny person and get a glimpse of who they are. 
     Olivia has the biggest smile and babbles up a storm and it was so fun playing peek a boo with her. We had an amazing cake made for her but she wasn't in the mood to get dirty and covered in sugar. None the less our session was such a fun on and Im loving getting to know this sweet family. Happy One year birthday sweet Olivia. 


Burton | Newborn | 2016 | Denver Colorado

Oh what an amazing new family of 5. Sweet Burton is already so loved by his older sister and brother! We did our shoot at my studio in Downtown Denver and had so much fun! I love watching little kids interact with their new baby brothers or sisters...its such a pure show of emotion and feeling. Burton slept the whole time and was so good! My favorite part of the session was when we put Burton in his Daddy's racing helmet. Dad works in the pit crew for the Furniture Row Nascar racing cool is that?! I just love incorperating life and creativity in newborn sessions and this one was very fun and special.