Melissa & Joe | 6/18/16 | Beautiful Backyard Wedding | Littleton CO

     I knew Melissa in high school only she was a couple of years older than me. We didn't hang with the same crowd but I always knew of her and knew she was super nice. Fast forward a hand full of years and thanks to Facebook, I finally got the chance to get to know Melissa and was honored when she asked me to photograph her wedding! 
     I met with Melissa downtown to go over the details of her wedding. I left my house thinking I would be gone an hour...maximum. Melissa and I sat down and started chatting about what we had been up to...where our lives had taken us...we talked like we had been friends all our lives. We spent almost 4 hours sitting there sipping coffee and talking and it was such a joy for me to connect with such an amazing, kind and loving person. 
     Melissa talked mostly of the two loves in her life... "Her" Joe and her beautiful daughter Gracie. We talked about marriage, having kids and where life had taken us since high school. We talked about the joys of having toddlers, being working moms, and all the other challenges life throws at us when we "grow up." 
     We talked for maybe 10 minutes about her wedding. Melissa made it clear...this was to be a laid back, fun and loving wedding. I sat there and just admired her. She gets it. This is what weddings are all about. Showing the people closest to you how much you love one another, having fun instead of having stress, being happy....not agonizing over little details.      
     The day of the wedding I showed up mid afternoon at Joes parents beautiful house. The back yard had giant trees and there were tables with colorful centerpieces on them. Simple...but oh so beautiful. Melissa was getting her makeup done by a friend and the caterers whom were all friends and co workers of Melissa, were hard at work in the kitchen. Gracie was running around excited to put her dress on and once she got it on she looked like a little princess. People were bustling around but didn't seem stressed or worried at all. The day was coming together perfectly. 
    The time came for Melissa to walk down the aisle to Joe. She and Gracie walked past their friends and family toward him full of smiles. Their ceremony was beautiful. Words were spoken full of love, truth and promises. 
    I was able to steal the couple away for a few portraits and we went to a lovely spot with amazing red rocks. The sun was low in the sky and the fields were all golden. It was epic to say the least. When I would ask Melissa and Joe to look at each other...they did so and just smiled. This made me smile. 
     The rest of the afternoon was lovely and for the short amount of time I was there I knew I was apart of something special. I was honored to be apart of their wedding day and wish them a lifetime of love, happiness and smiles. 

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